Beta Alpha Psi is a nationally recognized professional fraternity specifically for those pursuing a career in Accounting, Finance, or Information Systems
Hour Requirements
10 Professional Hours
10 Community Service Hours
2 Social Events
Note: Applicants for BAP must be an Accounting, Finance, or CIS major with a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA having completed or be currently enrolled in a 30000 level course in their major.
Transcripts & resumes must be sent to our faculty advisor, Mindy Nett, at mnett@kent.edu

The Accounting Association is the sister organization of Beta Alpha Psi. Membership to this organization is open to anyone who has an interest in Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems.
Hour Requirements
5 Professional Hours
5 Community Service Hours
1 Social Event
The cost to join is $25 per semester or $40 a year.